
"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to Inspire. It has the Power to Unite Pople in a way little else does. Sport can awaken hope where there was only despair"... Nelson Mandela

About us


We are bunch of kids from the UK. In our visits to India, our Ancestral homeland, our consciousness made us see differences in the lifestyle of people where we live and in India.

Visually, the most striking difference was the number of poor children .... who had nothing. Mingling with them we felt and saw ... that they too would like to have the same comforts as us. We saw their desire and felt their NEED.

We also felt, that they too as humans, deserve the same. The undelying quality of love made us drive towards sharing the opportunity that we have with the destitute... people we do not even know. As we shared with them, we saw how spontaneously they were inviting others around them to share what they have.... spreading their newfound joy, happiness.

We felt that if we took this on in earnest, we could transform the lives of all children around the Globe. We looked around to understand that a sporting activity would help us in achieving this. With a little exploration we found that Soccer/Football has been used as a tool by other organisations to achieve this end.

We also saw to the great lengths that they went in actually, getting people to play, create teams and healthy competition. Some went into participating in international Soccer/ football play.


Organising such an effort for now is beyond our reach. So we looked at another best option was to use the Internet and technology to be able to sow the seed of happiness and joy, to even remotely located desolate children.

We spoke to our parents and with their help are taking steps to see this endeavor to fruition.

Using technology to reach poor children in remote areas we like to see them receive:

* receive football shoes, and balls.
* learn the rules, or make their own rules to begin with
* involve, motivate others children in their immediate vicinity
* create community play and cheering audience.
* proceed to talk to other communities – villages for play and competition events
* hopefully this will spread into State involvement, National and Universal involvement, when
they see the wonderful transformation of their citizens.

### no jealousy
### no hatred
### poverty is not an issue
### literacy does not matter
* eliminates human suffering
* elimimates differences between humans
* creates the feeling of oneness and brotherhood

They will automatically see the evolution, the transformation into everlasting happiness and a new version of prosperity for all.... Football for all. Togetherness, Oneness, BRAVO.