
Our Mission. No one left behind.

A Mission
With a Vission

To begin the process we have chosen familiar territory to kick start our idea of global promotion of the Beautiful game of football.
Our aim is to first equip deprived children with bare necessicities such as football shoes and footballs, in selected areas where they have some idea and infrastructure of the game. Once successful in small pockets like this, word of mouth will surely propogate and drive others to take part. Hopefully covering India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka as the next steps.
From there on we hope world opens up in embrace, to this the transformation taking place.
A few scenes where transformation has been taking place which spurs us into this plunge.


This is how we Work

We find Organizations
We find People

Our team provides beneficiaries with information, as and when needed, so they can implement
proven ways to solidify and grow in their individual effort. Hopefully to International standards, producing super star players. We monitor and provide feedback periodically. Play, mutual understanding, cooperation, leadership, evolve naturally as seen in video clips below.

1 Can India win the world cup:

2 Future kings of Brazilian Soccer:

3 Poor kids play in China:

4. Barefeet children street play: